First off, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Pittsburgh Pirates 1979 championship. We gave away championship ring replicas and our players wore Pirates-themed Power jerseys. Adding to the fun was our Wall of Fame induction ceremony and appearance by former Charlie (and member of the 1979 championship team) Omar Moreno.
Omar and his wife Sandy were a blast to spend time with. He wore both of his championship rings (he also won one with the Royals in '85). I think they both had fun being in Charleston and Omar was quick to tell stories about walking to Watt Powell Park, eating big steaks from Ponderosa and remembering his teammates from the Charlies era.
I'll say this about his visit. It wore me out. I was on the go and on my feet the whole time. Maybe that is what a great promotion takes.
So... On the 2014 BBQ Leaderboard after three rounds:
1. Willie's Almost Famous (Lexington)
2. Chestnut (Asheville)
3. Jim ' N Nick's (Kannapolis)
I'll leave you with this tidbit. During homestands, I have the luxury of prepping for games in the home radio booth. Over the years, I have created a near Zen temple in the home booth. Lights out, television on, a tart burner going (mostly to mask the scent of tarp shoes).
While prepping for games, I'll have episodes of Seinfeld on the television. I now own all nine season of the Seinfeld collection on DVD and even just one hour of watching serves as a welcome change of pace to the day. Mind you, I never just sit there and watch. I'll listen and look up occasionally because a little laughter never hurts. In the rotation during the last homestand, this disc came up.
Season Four-Disc 2. Maybe the best single disc in the entire nine season set. I'll never have another bad day.
I can't even imagine the amount of work that goes into pulling off the promotions! I volunteered a couple years ago to greet players at the airport who were coming in for the AAA All-Star Game and even just that tiny little thing required meetings and training, etc. I'm sure the fans appreciate it!!!!